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FEDERAL GOVERNMENTThe U.S. is facing many serious problems, internal and external: inflation and an economy stifled by excessive government taxation and spending, inefficiency, and over-regulation; out of control illegal border crossings; anti-law enforcement policies; increasing crime (especially violent and organized crime); government abuses of U.S. citizen rights and political opponents; and foreign conflicts that threaten America’s long-term security. As indicated the root cause of most of our country’s most difficult problems is our federal government, ironically the federal government, as currently operating, is the true existential threat to our ‘democracy’. In the most recent century most human suffering, loss of freedoms, and unnecessary deaths have been due to corrupt and ineffective governments, most often communist, socialist, and totalitarian forms of government, but democracies are not immune to abuses of citizens. More on our Federal government problems: In recent years government agencies (e.g., DOJ, FBI, IRS, and Education) have been used as weapons against political and citizen opponents. A disturbing trend similar to tyrannical governments. We have seen the IRS abuse conservative and religious non-profits, we have seen the DOJ and FBI target parents trying to protect children from indoctrination with harmful ideologies in public schools, we have seen the White House colluding with large media conglomerates to stifle free speech and truth. Federal government taxation and spending has been used to maintain politic power. It is a form of vote buying. Our current government uses fear tactics ‘supported’ by junk science and lies to subdue the citizens into a reliance on the government, a false security which results in loss of democratic freedoms. They promote certain ideologies (godless religions) that are not supported by the majority of citizens and frequently anti-Christian and opposed to the principles that our nation was founded on and made our nation great. The major problems our country is experiencing are caused by the federal government and politicians who are more interested in their politic power than they are in serving the citizens of the nation. They buy votes by directing federal tax-payer monies to local supporters and projects of personal interest to themselves. My highest priority will be actions to reduce federal government size, power, regulations, and spending; and return this power to the states. Related to this I will work with those who wish to pass a term limits law. If elected I will be a one-term Senator. Solutions: Legislation to freeze hiring, wages, and budgets of certain federal government agencies. Term limits on politicians. Legislative bills reform: Page limits on new congressional bills. Truth in legislative bills, i.e., the contents of any bill must be directly related to and supportive of one purpose accurately reflected in the title of the bill. Regulation reduction: legislation to reduce regulations in all federal agencies. Appoint agency oversight committees staffed by members appointed by the 50 states.
GLOBALISMGlobalism is the other existential threat to our ‘democracy’, a dangerous and demonic movement to achieve a ‘One World’ government. ‘One World’ organizations such as the United Nations, World Health Organization, International Money Fund, International Criminal Court, and others have shown themselves to be ineffective, and in fact damaging to U.S. interests, U.S. allies, and poor nations of the world. I will work to end U.S. membership and the billions of U.S. taxpayer money spent to support these and similar globalist organizations.
U.S CULTURESince the U.S. founding the U.S. culture and laws have been based primarily on Christian principles, values, and virtues. Christian principles have been the driving force for improvements in the human living conditions since Christianity began: outlawing slavery, education for the poor, healthcare for the poor; promotion of the equality of men, women, and all races of humans; promotion of the sciences, philosophy, arts, and literature. Since the 1960s we have witnessed an ever-increasing decline of Christian principles, values, and virtues…….and worse the decline has been promoted by actions of our federal government. The current federal government has taken actions that are hostile to Christians while promoting a ‘secular’ religion of vices, which itself is a violation of the 1st amendment of the Constitution. I will take actions available to me as a senator to reverse this trend and recover our Christian principles, values, and virtues. Solutions: DOJ investigations focused on criminal gang activities, human trafficking, the pornography industry, and illegal drugs. Reclaim a U.S. culture that values virtues through public relations programs that promote the benefits of virtuous living (based on Judeo-Christian teachings). Force the DOJ and FBI to aggressively pursue those who are engaged in hate crimes against Christians and other persons of good and virtuous religious affiliations. Post-HS youth service program that requires HS graduates to serve a year of public service, charitable service, or military service.
LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMELaw enforcement is a requirement for any freedom-loving society, most importantly local law enforcement. In recent years we have experienced anti-law enforcement ideology supported by the federal government negatively impacting law enforcement, police, and citizens, especially citizens in typically high crime areas. I will work to reverse this anti-law enforcement movement. Solution(s): Develop mechanisms to impeach state and federal prosecutors who are not adequately upholding the laws of the land with appropriate incarceration of criminals. More rigorous oversight of all federal law enforcement agencies by Congress. Legislation to empower Congress to remove federal employees who are not cooperating with congressional investigations of agency wrongdoings. Programs of support to local law enforcement according to the needs of each local entity. Dissolve Homeland Security and return those responsibilities to the FBI. Juvenile delinquency Encourage states to create after-school programs and young adult programs in high-crime areas to introduce young people to productive hobbies and careers outside of the standard education curriculum.
RIGHT TO GIVE BIRTH AND TO BE BORNThe most fundamental human natural right (or law) is the right to life, given by our Creator, and not to be decided by human governments. Abortion is the greatest evil of all, because of the killing of an innocent person but also the physical and mental harm women suffer when not given a true choice to give birth to their babies. Most women who abort their babies are not given a true choice. They are pressured by boyfriends, husbands, parents, peers, financial difficulties, and greedy abortionists into the unnatural and emotionally destructive act of killing one’s own child. Those that control the abortion industry, such as the deceptively named Planned Parenthood, take in billions of dollars at the expense of poor women and unwilling and/or unwitting taxpayers. Solutions: I will work to develop and support medical care and adoption programs that offer women experiencing unplanned, difficult pregnancies a true choice to do what women naturally desire, i.e., give birth to their children; also programs of support for women who wish to keep their children but need financial support. Develop programs to counsel women who have been pressured to have an abortion. Develop laws that make it illegal to pressure a woman to have an abortion. Develop laws making the father of a baby share financial responsibility for the child.
EDUCATIONOur federal government education support is ineffective and doing harm by forcing the teaching of ideologies (‘secular religion principles’) harmful to our children such as the concept that ‘gender fluidity is normal’ to children too young to even understand the concept…..instead of teaching our children reading, writing, and arithmetic….the things they will need to thrive as adults. Our government gives millions of taxpayer dollars to private Universities that have billion dollar endowments. This needs to end. Solutions: Get the federal government out of the education business. It should be handled by state and local governments. Encourage curriculum that focus on fundamentals of reading, writing, history, sciences, and critical thinking. Encourage teaching U.S. history accurately, particularly regarding the formation of our country. Curriculum on U.S. government and civic duty taught at every grade level. World history is taught in middle school through high school. Teach the history of the major religions of the world. Ban the teaching of gender fluidity ideologies.
ENERGY AND CLIMATEThe U.S. needs to maintain capability for all forms of energy: solar, hydro, wind, nuclear, and fossil fuels. Abundant, affordable energy sources are critical to long-term, international security. We should have redundant energy resources of a mix of types to protect against the disruption of any one type. Global climate change, i.e., periodic shifts in the warming and cooling of the earth’s global temperature, has occurred throughout history independent of human existence. These changes will continue in the future regardless of human activity or human attempts at ‘corrective’ actions. The belief that humans can control global temperature is based on junk science and not valid. The prime drivers of global climate change are the sun, the oceans, water vapor, the winds, and other such natural forces which humans have no control over. We should view global climate change as an opportunity to develop new technologies to survive in periods of global warming and global cooling because both will continue to happen as long as the earth continues to circle the sun and the sun continues to burn bright. Solutions: Simultaneous support for the smart use of fossil fuels and development of ‘green’ energy technology. Support technology development for ‘cleaner’ use of fossil fuels. Support technology focused on food production and housing for the inevitable periods of global warming and global cooling.
TRANSPORTATIONWe spend too much money on new local roads that encourage more personal automotive travel. Solutions: Transition road building money to expanding and improving public mass transit services. Increase mass transit options in large metropolitan areas and concentrated suburbs. Use taxes to make mass transit (local buses and subways) free or very inexpensive. Promote the use of hybrid powered vehicles to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Upgrade existing transportation infrastructure. Employ AI on traffic control signals to reducing car idling times at red lights and travel times.
IMMIGRATIONImmigrants will continue to be a valuable resource for the U.S. but immigration needs to be controlled. Solutions: I will support legislation to secure our borders against cross-border criminal activity and illegal immigration. I will support increased legal, controlled immigration. I will support passage of DACA for illegal immigrants who were brought into the country beyond their control as children.
MILITARYThe maintenance of federal military to protect against foreign invasion is one of the few roles imagined by the founding fathers of the U.S. for the federal government. Maintaining a world dominant military should always be a high priority. Evil will always exist in the world and threats from corrupt and evil leaders of certain foreign countries will always be a reality. Jesus stated that the poor will always be with us. This is also true of evil individuals who will find their way into positions of power. Solutions: Continuous R&D investments in technology and preparedness to stay at the leading edge of warfare capability, intelligence, and training. Better pay and benefits for military personnel especially at the lowest levels, e.g., a living wage on a single salary, to maintain troop levels and quality. Better, lifelong financial and medical benefits for immediate families of soldiers killed in service, MIA, or duty-related disabled, including PTSD diagnosed soldiers. Discontinue programs to treat gender disorders in the military. Return to ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. A soldier's sexual inclinations should remain their private information. Maintain the same training and/or physical ability requirements for male and female soldiers who will serve in ‘frontline’ combat roles or otherwise might have direct physical confrontation with enemy combatants. Only voluntary service for female soldiers. Availability of non-military counseling and psychiatric treatment as preferred by the soldier patient or patient’s guardian.
FOREIGN AFFAIRSThe U.S. needs to continue to engage with the world and should work to maintain a leadership role supported by military strength and Christian charity. Solutions: Support the independence of all nations of the current geo-political landscape and, to the best of our ability, all long-established countries that experience an unprovoked attack from another country. Foreign aid should be in the form of U.S. made goods and services, not cash. The U.S. should drastically reduce financial support for the U.N. and World Health Organization, and World Bank; and seriously evaluate the benefits of continued participation in these organizations. These organizations and others have become tools of nations that are hostile to the U.S. and have undermined these organizations. The U.S. needs to stay strongly independent and limit participation in ‘global’ governing bodies.
COMMERCEInternational commerce is high on the list of threats to our national security and well-being. This is one of the areas the federal government needs to be heavily involved. Solutions: Provide certain financial incentives for U.S. based business that produce goods that are critical for our nation’s protection such as key vaccines, antibiotics, rare earth minerals, semi-conductors, etc. Impose stiff tariffs on goods coming from countries that violate international laws related to forced labor, currency manipulation, or other activities that produce artificially low-priced goods coming from such countries. Evaluate our monetary policies to ensure the value of our currency is effectively connected to real goods and services. Stay out of the cryptocurrency industry except to closely monitor it for criminal activity. Laws against countries that practice predatory business practices from owning or operating businesses in the U.S.
MENTAL HEALTH AND RELATED HOMELESSNESSMentally ill persons, especially those lacking family support or whose families lack sufficient resources to help, need to be provided housing and food resources. Solutions: Specialized housing, free food, and continuous counseling.
SMALL BUSINESSSmall businesses need ongoing support and protection from predatory business practices. Solutions: Reduce federal regulations and taxes on small businesses. Improve federal oversight of our largest businesses and multi-nationals that operate in the U.S.
OTHERThere are of course many other platform issues to consider. The above issues are limited to those that are of major concern to me. I will appreciate hearing from you about other issues that are of concern to you and your proposed solutions.


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